Coming Soon
wds&music Gary M. Wollman
Coming soon
to a theatre near you
A movie so true
An excuse to renew
So powerful
Give it fair review
Something you’ll
Just have to pursue
{like you’ve got something to prove}
Coming soon to a theatre near you
By early next June
you may so change your tune
and your views
but that’s totally left up to you
In the spirit of light
The conflict always works out right
all the same it’s coming soon
Coming soon to a theatre near you
Coming Soon
Though at times
it’s hard to discern
More often than not
We’d rather be an angel than a worm
but fear not tread not
You need not show concern
As we reach the final sequel
will the plot take a U-turn
Coming soon
to a theatre near you
©2017 Gary M. Wollman